
Job Fairs for Foreign Nationals

2017-04-06 JobTubeDaily


Apart from securing a job, there are good things that a job fair can get you


You can get valuable contacts, but only if you seek them out! Your future employer may not be physically at the job fair but the person who would refer you to him or her may be!


As an outlook of the current employment market, a job fair gives you precious information on the hottest industries/job functions of the moment!


Through a simple discussion with a hiring manager, a recruiter or a fellow job seeker you may hear new perspectives on old information. You might meet with someone who will inspire you to try something new in your career!


Professional credibility does not only come from doing a great job at work. Professional credibility also grows when you speak up and talk about what you have accomplished and what you are heading at or when you make a suggestion about how to solve a problem. You are more a consultant than you think! 


Getting all the above from a job fair requires a lot of energy and motivation. Do this successfully and you will have developed new muscles!     

BEIJING | Location

No. 2 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jie 

朝阳门北大街 2 号

SHENZHEN | Location

Futian District, Shenzhen Fuhua 3rd Road, Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center 


CHENGDU | Location

No. 88 T


SHANGHAI | Location

1 Yu Yuan Road, Jing An District 

静安区愚园路 1 号

For more details about these career events, please go to www.foreignhr.com.

If you have any questions or are interested in one of these events but unable to attend, please contact pro@foreignhr.com, mentioning how you heard of the opportunity.

You may also connect with us on Wechat (ID: foreignhr) by scanning the QR code below – long-press the image and click “Scan QR code in image”.

